Reviving the Sparkle: Your Go-To Destination for Pool Cleaning Services

Dive into a world where crystal-clear waters beckon, shimmering under the sun's gentle caress. At Orona Pool Care LLC, we understand the allure of a pristine swimming oasis, where relaxation and rejuvenation seamlessly intertwine. With our unwavering commitment to excellence, allow us to transform your pool into a picture-perfect haven that captivates the senses. Say goodbye to murky waters and embrace the brilliance of a professionally-maintained pool - your tranquil escape awaits!

Proudly servicing the East Valley!


  • Weekly Maintenance

    Weekly Maintenance

    Weekly pool cleaning to ensure you get the best experience out of your swimming pool. With over 10 years of experience we can assure you that your pool is in good hands and will always be looking great!

  • Equipment Repair


    We can repair pool pumps, filters, vacuum cleaners, pop-up cleaning systems and more!

  • Custom Additions icon

    Green to Clean Service

    Turn your green pool back to sparkling blue with our Green To Clean Service!

  • Green Building icon

    Filter Cleaning Service

    We can clean all makes and models of cartridge and DE filters!

Orona Pool Care LLC

Orona Pool Care LLC

Orona Pool Care: The epitome of excellence and professionalism in pool maintenance.

Experience Matters

Orona Pool Care LLC is committed to ensuring that you are satisfied with your service. With over 10 years of experience working on swimming pools in Arizona, we know how important it is being reliable and keeping the pools properly maintained in the intense heat. We want your swimming pool to be the least of your worries during the summer.

Family-Owned Small Business

Orona Pool Care LLC is a family-owned small business that takes pride in offering personalized and attentive service to each of our customers. As a family-operated company, we understand the value of trust and reliability in every interaction. Our commitment to quality workmanship and customer satisfaction is at the core of everything we do. When you choose Orona Pool Care LLC, you're not just another client - you become a part of our extended family. Experience the difference that a family-owned business can make in caring for your pool.